SD STEM Ed Conference
February 6th, 7th, & 8th 2025
2025 Schedule-At-A-Glance Friday Saturday
2025 Program
Join educators from around the state, to collaborate and learn about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics!
- first table $400
- each additional table $100
Each paid registration includes:
- one quarter page (3" wide by 4" tall) OR banner size (6.5" wide by 2" tall) advertising space in the online
conference booklet.
- Please submit image to
- TWO conference registrations and lunches for both Friday and Saturday.
Not Included:
- Tickets for Friday night’s banquet are NOT included in registration.
- Banquet tickets can be purchased for $35 a person.
- All exhibitors are requested to furnish a door prize for both the Friday and Saturday noon luncheons.
- Deadline for submitting exhibitor information into the online conference booklet is December 15th.
***Please submit advertising image to ASAP. 😊
Late registrations are welcome but exhibitor information may not be included in conference booklet.
Conference hours can be used for CEU credit OR graduate credit - not both.
- Graduate credit will be available through BHSU.
- Register at the conference registration table.
- Course requirements are fully explained in the syllabus in Google Drive.
- Contact for additional information.
Online Pre-Registration is CLOSED.
- Pre-registration (with payment) ended January 10th.
Banquet Tickets: Tickets are $35 with registration and $40 if purchased on-site. After January 20, 2025, only a small number of tickets will be available, so securing one is not guaranteed.
Registration includes conference and lunches.
Friday Night Banquet not included. (additional $35)
Team Discount
Teams of three (3) teachers from the same school/district are considered a 'School Team'.
- Schools/districts will receive a $50 discount for each team registered.
- The team can comprise a mix of math and science teachers as well as a mix of grade levels.
- The 'team' cannot include a first year teacher using the Goehring/Vietz Scholarship.
- The team discount is not for students.
- The team discount will be null and void if the invoice is not paid by 1/15/24.
***Invoices not sent until all members of the team have completed their individual registrations.
Questions? Contact Sheila McQuade at
Scholarships & Grants
Goehring/Veitz Leadership Scholarship
- Supports attendance for teachers in their first year of teaching in South Dakota.
- Provides a free conference registration to SDCTM and SDSTA members.
- Watch for the Goehring/Vietz link when you register for the conference online.
Marian Filbrandt Memorial Scholarship
- Supports attendance for teachers in years 2 through 5 of their teaching career.
SDSTA Industrial Arts and Ag Grants
- Funds may be requested to cover the costs of attending the SD STEM ED conference.